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CWU members delivered Christmas presents to sick children at Victoria Hospital

Blackpool’s striking postal workers and members of the CWU held a collection on the picket line to ensure every child who woke up in Victoria Hospital on Christmas Day received a gift to open.

The posties came together to donate the presents through the Blue Skies Hospital Fund’s GiveAGift appeal.

They dropped off the gifts at the hospital on Whinney Heys Road on Dec 23. Chris Webb, Trustee for the Communication Workers Union children’s charity CWUHA said,

“I was delighted we were able to support Blue Skies's Christmas appeal to ensure every child and patient within the hospital gets a Christmas gift this year."

Despite the ongoing industrial action, local postal workers and members of the Communication Workers Union came together and held to support this fantastic appeal.

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that donated. We were overwhelmed by the generosity, and I know it will bring many smiles to those stuck in hospital on Christmas Day.”



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