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Blackpool is heading towards ‘Victorian levels of poverty’ as resort wages are 8.4% lower than 2010

Average wages are 8.4% lower than in 2010 and Blackpool is heading towards ‘Victorian levels of poverty’. New data has revealed that real wages in the resort have fallen by £2,180 since the Tories came to power 12 years ago.

Chris Webb, responding on the impact of falling wages in Blackpool, said:

“Residents in Blackpool are paying the price for Tory failure on the economy. Inflation is currently 12 per cent in the town, the second highest in the country."
“With less money in people’s pockets, thousands of families across Blackpool are skipping meals, and new polling shows 100,000 Blackpool residents have cut back on heating their homes this winter and more than three-quarters of households in the UK will be pushed into fuel poverty this month."
“Blackpool Food Bank has experienced a sharp rise of 40 per cent needing crisis parcels as a result more and more people are forced to use local food banks to put food on the table and to feed their children."
“These figures lay bare Britain’s cost of living emergency. Food and energy bills are soaring, but real wages are plummeting. Blackpool truly risks heading towards Victorian levels of poverty under this government.”


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