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Chris Webb raises over 400kg of produce for hard-up families

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

A food bank drive led by Chris Webb has donated over 400kg of produce for Blackpool Food Bank.

Chris Webb, driver and fundraiser for Blackpool Food Bank and chair of local mental health charity Counselling The Community, organised a food bank collection drive that raised over 400kg of vital food for the food bank.

The urgent items collected were Tinned Veg, Long-Life Milk, Instant Mash, Pasta Sauce and Cooking Sauce and Cup a Soups.

Chris Webb, said,

“After I learned the food bank urgently needed certain items to meet the unprecedented high demand they’re experiencing, I immediately wanted to help. It’s heartbreaking when you hear that families skipping meals and many are not heating their homes because they simply can’t afford it."
“For years I’ve campaigned to combat and ultimately eliminate child poverty in Blackpool but things are getting much worse. In one area of Blackpool, child poverty is now at 71.4%. It’s disgraceful so many children are going to bed hungry and cold in Blackpool."

Blackpool Food Bank said,

“Chris stopped by the Warehouse last week to drop off this amazing donation. Over the past 4 weeks, he's dropped off over 400KG of food. We want to thank Chris so much for arranging these collections on behalf of the Food Bank and to everyone who donated.”



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